
5 Tips for Avoiding Pool Pump Damage

Your pool pump is a critical piece of equipment, and failures happen more often than you might think. Luckily, with a bit of maintenance, you can keep your pump in peak condition and avoid unexpected issues that can quickly lead to water problems. Start by following these simple tips.

1. Keep Your Water Circulating

When water freezes, it expands. This can damage your pool pump’s internal components, cause the pump housing to crack, or even break the motor. To avoid this, be sure to keep the pool pump running when temperatures drop. If you’re not able to run the pump during the winter months, protect it by removing the drain plugs and clearing out the lines.

2. Promptly Seal Leaks

It’s fairly common for air leaks to develop around the pump lid seal, valves, filter bands, and drain plugs. When this happens, air bubbles can form inside the pump, eventually causing it to overexert itself and run hot. Prevent this by regularly inspecting the pump for leaks. If you find one, either replace the faulty part or use silicone-based sealant to fix it.  

3. Maintain Your Pool’s Water Level

If your pool’s water level is too low, the pump may not receive enough water. Once it runs dry, it will overheat, potentially creating serious problems like melting the pump basket, breaking the seal shaft, and deforming other critical components. A consistently high temperature can also shrink your PVC threads, causing the pump to leak.  

You can avoid these problems by keeping your pool’s water line at mid-skimmer level. Check the levels frequently, and if it starts to get low, add water until it’s back to where it needs to be. 

4. Keep Debris at Bay

Regularly check the area around your pool pump and remove leaves, bushes, branches, and other debris, creating a two-to-three-foot clearance around and above the pump. This will help you avoid airflow restrictions which can clog the pump and/or cause it to overheat. Branches and leaves that build up around your pump can also trap moisture inside, which can lead to corrosion. Clearing the area weekly will help you avoid this problem.

5. Don’t Forget About Pest Control

It’s common for insects to find their way into pool pumps and control boxes, damaging the pump’s electronics and wiring. Eventually, this can cause the pump to short-circuit completely. To prevent this, start by using a natural insecticide around your pool equipment. Also be sure to close open knockouts into your breaker box and seal up any access points that would allow insects to get into your pool equipment electronics.

Your Premier Pool Builder in Raleigh, NC

If you’re thinking about upgrading your pool or installing a custom pool for the first time, the pros at Swim Inc. are here to help. We have decades of experience and can turn your dream pool into a reality. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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